1001 General Provisions
  • 29 Jun 2022

1001 General Provisions

Article summary

1001.1 Purpose

This standard defines a framework for designating contractors as RESNET Energy Smart Contractors, defines an Energy Smart Project, and establishes requirements for the final verification and quality assurance review of an Energy Smart Project.

1001.2 Scope

This document details:

Requirements for Contractor Education and Qualification Providers;

The process by which a contractor shall receive and maintain designation as a RESNET Energy Smart Contractor;

The process by which RESNET Energy Smart Contractors working in partnership with a certified RESNET Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Rater must complete an Energy Smart Project;

The requirements of an Energy Smart Project.

1001.2.1 Relationship to State Law

There may be instances in which state laws or regulations differ from these provisions. In such instances, state law or regulation shall take precedence over these provisions.

1001.3 Definitions and Acronyms

See Appendix B- Glossary of Terms.