201 Purpose and Scope
  • 28 Jun 2022

201 Purpose and Scope

Article summary

201.1 Purpose

The purpose of this standards is to ensure that RESNET Certified Training is consistent and robust; to increase the credibility of the Training and Quality Assurance Providers with consumers, housing and mortgage finance industry, federal government, state governments, local governments, utility companies, and the private sector. Credibility promotes voluntary participation in an objective, cost-effective, sustainable home energy rating process.

201.2 Scope

This document defines the requirements of Accredited Training Providers, RESNET Certified Instructors, Candidate Field Assessors and Certification Candidates. RESNET shall confirm that the requirements defined in this standard have been met when accrediting Training Providers and certifying Instructors. Accredited Training Providers and Candidate Field Assessors shall confirm that the requirements defined in this standard have been met when certifying individuals. This enhances the goal of producing a nationally recognized and uniform program.