203 Accredited Training Providers
  • 04 Nov 2022

203 Accredited Training Providers

Article Summary

203.1 Achieving Accreditation

Training Providers are accredited in accordance with the Accreditation Process specified in Section 103 Provider Accreditation and Renewal Process. Training Providers shall complete the RESNET Training Provider Application.

203.2 Maintaining Accreditation

In order to maintain their accreditation in good standing, all Accredited Training Providers shall fully execute the following duties and responsibilities. Failure to properly perform any of these duties and responsibilities constitutes grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 910 - Probation, Suspension, and Revocation of Accreditation.

203.2.1 Renew their accreditation in accordance with the renewal process found in Section 103 - Provider Accreditation and Renewal Process.

203.2.2 Maintain RESNET Certified Instructors. Only RESNET Certified Instructors can offer HERS Rater and HERS Modeler training through a RESNET Accredited Training Provider.

203.2.3 Hold the exam questions administered by RESNET in strictest confidence. The examination and the items contained therein are the exclusive property of RESNET

203.2.4 Maintain records for three years of all training materials and trainee data, training schedules, curricula, attendance records, examinations and individual examination results. This information shall be made available to RESNET upon request by RESNET.

203.2.5 Provide candidates with a certificate or letter of completion, which accurately includes the candidate’s legal name and completion dates of any items required for the candidate’s certification.

203.2.6 Maintain curricula that align with the most up to date RESNET standards.

203.2.7 Provide for training facilities and equipment appropriate for the training being delivered.

203.2.8 Only RESNET Accredited Training Providers may offer Training using RESNET Certified Instructors.

203.3 Privileges and rights

Accredited Training Providers in good standing have the following privileges and rights:

203.3.1 The privilege to make and use any materials trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise restricted by RESNET (other than the tests developed by RESNET) for marketing Training Courses or Training Providers or for recruiting HERS Rater, Rating Field Inspector, and/or HERS Modeler trainees, instructors or trainers.

203.3.2 The right to present evidence, arguments and vigorous defense for any action brought under these standards by any party against an Accredited Training Provider.

203.4 Revocation of Accreditation

See Chapter 9- RESNET National Standard for Quality Assurance.