302 Definitions
  • 29 Jun 2022

302 Definitions

Article Summary

The following terms of section 302.1 through 302.5 have specific meanings as used in this Standard. In the event that definitions given here differ from definitions given elsewhere, including those given in ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301, the definitions given here shall govern.

302.1 Approved Rating Provider

Shall mean a RESNET-accredited Quality Assurance Provider who is listed in good standing in the National RESNET Registry.

302.2 Approved Software Rating Tool

Shall mean a RESNET-accredited HERSĀ® Rating Tool that has been tested and approved in accordance with RESNET Publication 002 and that is listed in the RESNET National Registry of Accredited Rating Software Programs https://www.resnet.us/providers/accredited-providers/hers-software-tools/

302.3 Approved Tester

Shall mean a RESNET Rater or Rating Field Inspector (RFI) who has been certified by a RESNET-accredited Quality Assurance Provider and who is listed in good standing in the National RESNET Registry.

302.4 Certified Rater

Shall mean a RESNET Rater who has become qualified to conduct home energy ratings through certification by a RESNET-accredited Quality Assurance Provider and who is listed in good standing in the National RESNET Registry.

302.5 Approved IDR Review Authority

Shall mean the RESNET Standards Development Committee 300 (SDC 300).