601 General Provisions
  • 29 Jun 2022

601 General Provisions

Article summary

601.1 Purpose

Sampling is intended to provide certification that a group of new homes meets a particular threshold such as ENERGY STARĀ®, energy code compliance, or qualification for an energy efficiency lending program. It is based on pre-analysis of building plans meeting the intended qualification (e.g. a HERS Index threshold), and subsequent random testing and inspections of a sample set of the homes as-built. Certifying a group of homes by sampling entitles the customer to documentation certifying that the homes meet the desired threshold; it does not constitute a confirmed HERS rating on any home.

601.2 Scope

This chapter sets out the procedures for the accreditation of Sampling Providers. Accredited Sampling Providers shall assume all warranties and liabilities associated with the sampling of homes. RESNET does not provide any warranty, either explicit or implied, that sampled homes will meet or exceed the threshold specifications for the sample set. There may be instances in which state laws or regulations differ from these Standards. In such instances, state law or regulation shall take precedence over this standard.

601.3 Definitions and Acronyms

See Appendix B- Glossary of Terms.