- 31 Dec 2024
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603 Rating Sampling Provider Accreditation Criteria
- Updated on 31 Dec 2024
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603.1 Minimum Standards for Rating Sampling Provider
Accreditation Sampling Providers shall be accredited in accordance with the Accreditation Process specified in Chapter 9 of these Standards. A Sampling Provider must specifically meet the following minimum standards for Accreditation.
603.1.1 All Sampling Providers shall be accredited by RESNET as a QA Provider in good standing and shall maintain their accreditation in good standing.
603.1.2 A Sampling Provider’s accreditation must be renewed annually by RESNET.
603.1.3 In order to be eligible to be a Sampling Provider, the RESNET accredited QA Provider shall complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) confirmed ratings as an accredited QA Provider that have been documented to be accurate by the QA Provider’s Quality Assurance Designee.
603.1.4 The Sampling Provider shall demonstrate to RESNET a minimum insurance coverage of $1,000,000 in general liability coverage and $1,000,000 in professional liability coverage.
603.1.5 Builders cannot use the sampling standard to certify or qualify Dwelling Units or Sleeping Units in which they have a financial interest.
603.2 Responsibilities of Accredited Sampling Providers
603.2.1 Sampling Providers are responsible for ensuring that all of the Sampling inspections conducted and issued by their sampling program are in compliance with all of the criteria by which the system was accredited.
603.2.2 Sampling Providers are responsible for ensuring that the specifications for the minimum rated features for the sampled Dwelling Units or Sleeping Units be communicated to the personnel or trades responsible for completing the work.
603.2.3 Minimum Standards For Sampling Provider’s Operation Policies and Procedures must be written and provide for the following:
603.2.3.1 Field inspections and tracking of all homes in the sample set for verifying threshold technical specifications and tracking failures and re-inspections;
603.2.3.2 Blower Door Testing completed for sample sets in which the threshold specifications include credit for reduced air infiltration lower than the default value;
603.2.3.3 Duct testing completed for sample sets in which the threshold specifications include credit for reduced air distribution system leakage lower than the default value;
603.2.3.4 Sampling Inspector discipline procedures that include progressive discipline involving Probation - Suspension – Termination.