Appendix B - Glossary of Terms
  • 31 Dec 2024

Appendix B - Glossary of Terms

Article summary

Glossary of Terms


Air Conditioning Contractors of America

ACCA QA Program

A quality assurance recognition program for HVAC contractors, in which participants (1) attest that they have implemented written policies and procedures in the ANSI/ACCA 5 QI-2010 Standard to effect quality on a consistent basis in the field, (2) complete and submit a detailed HVAC system installation checklist, and (3) have specific elements of the installation validated by a 3rd party Rater for compliance to the ENERGY STAR® New Homes Program requirements. More information can be found at

Accreditation Identification Number (AIN)

A unique accreditation number assigned to each Rating Quality Assurance Provider.

Accreditation Committee

A Standing Committee of the RESNET organization that is responsible for the review and approval of all Applications for Provider accreditation submitted to RESNET.

Accredited Rating Quality Assurance or QA Provider

A Rating Quality Assurance Provider accredited by RESNET in accordance with Chapter 1 and Chapter 9 of the RESNET Standards to certify and perform quality assurance of Certified HERS Raters, Certified Rating Field Inspectors, and Certified HERS Modelers.

Accredited Training Provider or Training Provider or Rater Trainer

A Training Provider accredited by RESNET in accordance with Chapter 2 and Chapter 9 of RESNET Standards to instruct individuals to become HERS Raters, Rating Field Inspectors, and/or HERS Modelers certified by Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers. Only RESNET Accredited Training Providers may offer HERS Rater and HERS Modeler instruction and set up the national rater tests.

Additional Failure

When additional instances of initial failure(s) are identified in one or more of the other homes in the sample set being tested or inspected.

Air Barrier

Any solid material installed to control air leakage either into or out of the Compartmentalization Boundary. The material used shall have an air permeability not to exceed 0.004 cubic feet per minute per square foot under a pressure differential of 0.3 in. water (1.57 psf) (0.02 L/s.m2 @ 75 Pa.) when tested in accordance with ASTM E 2178-01.


See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index


American National Standards Institute

Approved IDR Review Authority

Shall mean the RESNET Standards Development Committee 300 (SDC 300).

Approved Modeler

Shall mean a RESNET Certified HERS Modeler or Certified HERS Rater who has been certified by a RESNET-accredited Quality Assurance Provider and who is listed in good standing in the National RESNET Registry.

Approved Rating Provider

Shall mean a RESNET-accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider who is listed in good standing in the National RESNET Registry.

Approved Software Rating Tool

Shall mean a RESNET-accredited HERS® Rating Tool that has been tested and approved in accordance with RESNET Publication 002 and that is listed in the RESNET National Registry of Accredited Rating Software Programs

Approved Tester

Shall mean a RESNET Certified HERS Rater or Rating Field Inspector (RFI) who has been certified by a RESNET-accredited Quality Assurance Provider and who is listed in good standing in the National RESNET Registry.

As-measured Carbon Monoxide

A direct measurement of carbon monoxide CO in a sample of air or flue gas, usually measured in ppm (parts per million) units. (See “air-free carbon monoxide.”)


American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers


ASTM International, originally known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Back Draft

Sustained downdraft during burner operation.


See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index.


Building Performance Institute

Building Permit Date

The date on which the permit authorizing the construction of a building is issued by the authority having jurisdiction to issue such permits.


See “Combustion appliance zone”

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

An odorless, colorless gas that can cause illness or death.

Carbon Monoxide Emissions

Carbon monoxide (CO) resulting from combustion as measured in ppm (parts per million. The measurement of CO emissions in flue gas requires a sample to be taken before dilution air enters the venting system. (See “air-free carbon monoxide” and “as-measured carbon monoxide.”)

Certified HERS Modeler

An individual meeting the minimum training requirements for Certified HERS Modelers set forth in Chapter 2 of these Standards, documented by an Accredited RESNET Training Provider, and certified by an Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider to generate computer models reflecting the minimum rated features of Home Energy Ratings using RESNET Accredited Software tools and who is listed in good standing in the National RESNET Registry.

Certified HERS Rater

An individual meeting the minimum training requirements for Certified HERS Raters set forth in Chapter 2 of these Standards, documented by an Accredited RESNET Training Provider, and certified by an Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider to inspect a home to evaluate the minimum rated features and complete Home Energy Ratings and who is listed in good standing in the National RESNET Registry.

Certified Instructor

See RESNET Certified Instructor

Climate Zone

A geographical area defined as having similar long-term climate

Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ)

A contiguous air volume within a building that contains a combustion appliance; the zone may include, but is not limited to, a mechanical closet, mechanical room, or the main body of a house, as applicable.

Compartmentalization Boundary

See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380 Standard for Testing Airtightness of Building, Dwelling Unit, and Sleeping Unit Enclosures; Airtightness of Heating and Cooling Air Distribution Systems; and Airflow of Mechanical Ventilation Systems

Complaint Resolution Officer (CRO)

The individual assigned to manage complaint and resolution procedures for the CEQ Provider.

Conditioned Floor Area (CFA)

See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index

Conditioned Space

Any directly conditioned space or indirectly conditioned space, as defined in this standard.

Conditioned Space Volume

See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index

Confirmed Rating

A Rating accomplished using data gathered from verification of all rated features of the home in accordance with Chapter 3- National Home Energy Rating Technical Standards (see note) and ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380.

Contractor Education and Qualification Provider (CEQ Provider)

An organization approved by RESNET in accordance with the requirements of these guidelines to train and prepare individuals to be an Energy Smart Contractor’s Designated Qualification Representative and to perform the other duties of a Contractor Education and Qualification Provider established herein.

Data Collection

The gathering of information on building energy features, energy use history and other relevant building and building operation information.

Design Temperature

99.0% (heating) or 1.0% (cooling) design temperature as published in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals for the city where the home is located or the most representative city for which design temperature data are available.

Diagnostic Testing

The use of building performance-testing equipment (e.g. blower door, duct blaster, flow hood, infrared camera, CO monitor, etc.) to measure, assess and document specific performance characteristics of the building system.

Dilution Air

Air that enters a draft diverter or draft regulator from the room in which the appliance is located.


Air flow from a chimney or venting system into an enclosed building space.


A pressure difference that causes combustion gases or air to move through a vent connector, flue, chimney, or combustion chamber.

Draft Diverter

A nonadjustable device built into an appliance or a part of a vent connector that is intended to (1) permit the escape of flue gases in the event of a blockage or backdraft; (2) prevent a downdraft of outdoor air from entering the combustion chamber of an appliance; (3) reduce the effect of the chimney’s stack action; and (4) lower the dew point temperature of the flue gas by the infusion of room air.

Draft Regulator

A self-regulating damper attached to a chimney or vent connector for the purpose of controlling draft: A draft regulator can reduce draft; it cannot increase draft.


See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index.

Dwelling Unit

See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index.

Effective Date

The date on which an amendment approved for publication shall be first allowed, but not required, to be used on any Dwelling Unit or Sleeping Unit. For an amendment that requires a change to Approved Software Rating Tools, the date by which updated Approved Software Rating Tools shall be approved and listed.

Energy Efficiency Program, or EEP

See “Third-Party Energy Efficiency Program”

Energy Analysis Tool

A computerized calculation procedure for determining a home’s energy efficiency rating and estimating annual purchased energy consumption and cost.

Energy Efficiency Ratio, or EER

the ratio of net equipment cooling capacity in Btu/h to total rate of electric input in watts under designated operating conditions.

Energy Efficiency Rating, or Energy Rating

See Home Energy Rating.

Energy Saving Measure, or Feature

Any material, component, device, system, construction method, process, or combination thereof that will result in a reduction of energy use.

Energy Simulation File

The complete set of input data used by a RESNET-accredited rating software tool to determine the Home Energy Rating for the specified home as listed in Section of these Standards.

Energy Smart Contractor

A home improvement contracting company that has been approved by a CEQ Provider to implement energy-saving work scope recommendation prescribed by a Certified HERS Rater or Building Performance Auditor. A home improvement company from any of the trade categories defined on the Directory, who is compliant with the RESNET training, examination and the program requirements contained herein is eligible for designation as Energy Smart and may be listed on the Directory

Energy Smart Contractor Directory (Directory)

A listing of approved Energy Smart Contractors that is posted on the RESNET website.

Energy Smart Contractor Candidate for Recognition (Candidate)

A company with a Designated Qualification Representative who intends to become an Energy Smart Contractor, who shall list itself in the Candidate section, and who shall have 90 days to complete its qualification requirements and receive approval by a CEQ Provider. If the Candidate has not been approved within the time limits, their listing will be removed.

Energy Smart Contractor Representative (Representative)

An individual employed by or a representative of an Energy Smart Candidate, with the necessary level of authority who shall take the required course, pass the RESNET core exam, and otherwise ensure that the contractor, once approved as an Energy Smart Contractor, complies with the terms and conditions of the Directory.

Energy Smart Improved Home

A home that has undergone an Energy Smart Project for which the estimated energy savings calculated by an Independent HERS Rater/Auditor using RESNET-approved software amounts to no less than a 30% reduction in estimated energy usage as a result of the improvements. A home that meets these requirements shall be labeled with the language, “This home is designated as an Energy Smart Home. As such, the estimated energy usage of the home has been reduced by XX%.It is estimated that the improvements to this home will save approximately $XXX per year.”

Energy Smart Project

A home performance improvement project with the goal of achieving a 30% reduction in estimated energy usage. The project shall be completed by an Energy Smart Home Performance Team; as such it must involve at least one Energy Smart Contractor and an Independent RESNET Certified HERS Rater/Auditor, one of which acts as the Project Manager, and in which applicable improvement measures are installed by one or more Energy Smart Contractors based upon the assessment and work scope from a RESNET Certified HERS Rater/Auditor. An Energy Smart project shall include Final Verification of the project post-improvement by an Independent Rater/Auditor, who shall calculate the estimated energy savings using RESNET-approved software.

Energy Smart Project Manager

The company or individual with whom the homeowner contracts for the coordinated installation of comprehensive energy-saving retrofits prescribed by a certified Rater/Auditor, and who is responsible for the duties of Project Manager. The Energy Smart Project Manager could be the HERS Rater/Auditor or an Energy Smart Contractor that meets the additional qualification defined in Section 1004.6.

Energy Smart Home Performance Team (Energy Smart Team)

A team consisting of Energy Smart contracting companies and a RESNET Certified HERS Rater/Auditor who can collectively prescribe, complete and verify an Energy Smart Home Project.

Ethics and Appeals Committee

A Committee that is responsible for investigating ethics and consumer complaints and hearing a Provider’s appeal of its non-approval or renewal of an application, probation, suspension, or revocation.


An analysis of the data collected from any survey or audit, on-site data collection and performance testing, available energy usage records to determine energy use and potential savings from improvements.


Test developed by RESNET and administered by an Accredited Rater Training Provider.

Excess Air

Air supplied to a burner in excess of the amount needed for complete combustion.

Failed Item

A “failed item” constitutes a category of failure, such as insulation installation, duct leakage, prescriptive air sealing requirements, insulation enclosure, eave baffles, mechanical system efficiency, window specifications, etc. For the purpose of follow-up inspections, a “failed item” is not limited to the specific instance in a home but to that category of the minimum rated features as it applies to that home design.

Failure (as used in chapter 6)

See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index

Final Verifier

The Final Verifier must be an independent RESNET Rater/Auditor that did not conduct the initial Energy Smart Project rating/audit, or that does not have a financial interest in any of retrofit work done for the Energy Smart Project, or that is not employed by a company who performs any part of the retrofit work

Flame Rollout

A condition in which burner flames discharge from the cabinet of a combustion appliance.

HERS Index

A numerical integer value that represents the relative energy use of a Rated Home as compared with the energy use of the HERS Reference Home and where an Index value of 100 represents the energy use of the HERS Reference Home and an Index value of 0 (zero) represents a home that uses zero net purchased energy.


A Dwelling Unit or Sleeping Unit.

Home Energy Assessment

Defined by this standard as one of two levels of energy assessment of a home, including Home Energy Survey and Comprehensive Home Energy Audit.

Home Energy Rater, or HERS Rater or Rater

(See Certified HERS Rater).

Home Energy Rater Candidate, or Rater Candidate

An individual who has received instruction from a RESNET Accredited Training Provider and has passed the required RESNET tests.

Home Energy Rating, or Rating

An unbiased indication of a home’s relative energy performance based on consistent inspection procedures, operating assumptions, climate data and calculation methods in accordance with the “National Energy Rating Technical Standards” (Chapter 3 of this Standard). See also “Rating, Confirmed” and “Rating, Projected”.

Home Energy Rating Quality Assurance Provider, or HERS QA Provider, or Rating Provider

See Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider.

Home Energy Rating (HERS) Software Provider

An organization that develops software accredited by RESNET for use in home energy ratings.

Home Energy Rating System, or HERS®

The procedures, rules and guidelines by which Home Energy Ratings are conducted by accredited Providers (Rating Quality Assurance, Software, Training, Sampling), as specified in these Standards.

Home Performance Assessment

A detailed evaluation of the condition of a home as a building system, including evaluation of all materials, components, features, systems and subsystems that affect the energy use of the home.


Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning.


International Energy Conservation Code.

Independent Rater/Auditor

A RESNET Certified HERS Rater/Auditor who performs Final Verification of an Energy Smart Project in accordance with these sections and is certified by a RESNET-accredited Quality Assurance Rating Provider in accordance with RESNET Standards. Independent HERS Rater/HERS Auditors shall be independent of the Auditor/Rater or Contractors(s) who installed the recommended measures, and may receive no financial compensation for any of the retrofits performed on the project.

Infrared Imaging System

An instrument that converts radiation differences associated with surface temperature variations into a two dimensional image by assigning specific colors or tones to the differing temperatures.

In-Home Home Energy Survey

A level of the RESNET Home Energy Assessment process defined by this standard intended to assess both the general energy performance of the home and the level of the commitment to action on the part of the homeowner. The survey may include data be collected and reported on-line by the homeowner or by a home energy survey professional for the purpose of further analysis and general identification of home performance problems. The intent of the energy survey is to refer homeowners to the next level if it is determined that the home needs further analysis, and the homeowner is motivated to invest in improvements. The On-Line or In-Home Home Energy Survey is not required if the homeowner wishes to directly pursue a Diagnostic Home Energy Survey or Comprehensive Home Energy Audit.

Initial Failure

When one or more failure(s) are first identified in a home during the sampling process.

International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)

The model code for building energy conservation as promulgated by the International Code Council.

Interim RESNET Standard or Addendum

A time-critical standard or addendum published by RESNET in accordance with its Standards Development Policy and Procedures Manual or its Standards Development Policy and Procedures Manual for Non-ANSI/RESNET Standards, which requires immediate implementation prior to completion of the final standard development process.

Light Fixture

A complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps, and ballasting (when applicable) together with the parts designed to distribute the light, position and protect the lamps, and connect the lamps to the power supply. For built-in valence lighting, strings of low-voltage halogens, and track lights, each individual bulb shall count as a fixture.

Living Space -

Any enclosed space inside the primary air enclosure boundary separating indoor and outdoor air and intended for continual human occupancy, including but not limited to living, sleeping, dining, and cooking; or intended for human activities, including but not limited to toilets, closets, halls, storage and utility areas, and laundry areas.

Low-Volume Raters

Certified HERS Raters which complete less than twenty five (25) ratings per year or less than fifty (50) ratings over a two year period.

Metropolitan Area

Metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas as defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and published by the United States Census Bureau at (the most current edition).In areas not included in any defined Metropolitan Area, individual counties may be substituted for the purpose of applying the sampling process.

Model Energy Code: 1993 (MEC ‘93)

The building energy code as promulgated by the Council of American Building Officials (CABO) in 1992 as amended in 1993.The RESNET representation of MEC ’93 is the HERS Reference home as defined in the “Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards” dated 1999.

Minimum Rated Features

The characteristics of the building elements which are the basis for the calculation of end use loads and energy consumption for the purpose of a Home Energy Rating, and which are evaluated by Home Energy Raters or Rating Field Inspectors, in accordance with ANSI/RESNET.ICC 301, Appendix B in to order collect the data necessary to create a Home Energy Rating using and Approved Rating Software Tool.

National HERS Rater Test

Computer-based examination developed and administered by RESNET.

National RESNET Registry

The national online registry of all rated homes and Certified HERS Raters, Rating Field Inspectors, HERS Modelers, and Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Providers which is maintained by RESNET.

On-Line Home Energy Survey

A level of the RESNET Home Energy Survey in accordance with this Standard that is a basic energy review of a home using an internet-based tool or software.

Probationary Rating

Ratings conducted by a Rater Candidate while supervised by a Candidate Field Assessor under the auspices of an Accredited RESNET Rating Provider.

Projected Rating

A Rating accomplished using minimum rated feature data derived from home plans and specifications or based on a site audit for a to-be-improved home which have not yet been implemented in the field. Projected Ratings are commonly generated prior to the construction of a new building or prior to the implementation of energy-efficiency improvements to an existing building.

Purchased Energy

The portion of the total energy requirement of a home purchased from a utility or other energy supplier.

Quality Assurance (QA)

See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index

Quality Assurance Data File (QA Data File)

The collection of data that comprises the complete quality assurance information for a specific Home Energy Rating, including take-off forms, field data collection forms, energy simulation files, building plans, RESNET Standard Disclosure Forms, rating certificates, rating reports, QA records (including findings and the resolution of any issues), photo documentation, as well as any documentation required by Third-Party Energy Efficiency Programs (EEP’s) such as checklists, copies of labels or third-party certificates), and the names of each certified individual (i.e. Raters and/or Rating Field Inspectors) who worked on the rating (field inspections, modeling, etc.).

Quality Assurance Designee (QA Designee)

An officer, employee, or contractor responsible for quality assurance within a Provider organization, who has met the requirements of section 905.3 of this Chapter and has signed an agreement with the Provider to be the Provider’s QA Designee.

Quality Assurance Designee Delegate (QA Delegate)

An individual certified as a HERS Rater, appointed by a Quality Assurance Designee to complete a portion of the Quality Assurance process, who has met the requirements of section 904.7 of this Chapter.

Quality Assurance Designee, Primary (Primary QA Designee)

The one QA Designee for a Provider who shall have ultimate responsibility, on behalf of the Provider, for fulfilling the Provider’s QA requirements/responsibilities and who shall be the single point of contact to RESNET regarding all Quality Assurance matters.

Quality Assurance Committee (QA Committee)

A Standing Committee of the RESNET organization that is responsible for the oversight of RESNET’s rating quality assurance program, review and ruling on the merits of formal Ethics and Consumer Complaints received by RESNET, and review and rule on the merits of all appeals of non-approval or renewal of an application, probation, suspension, or revocation.

Quality Assurance Plan

A QA Provider’s written quality assurance processes and procedures as specifically required in Chapter 9 of these Standards.

Rated Home

The specific home being evaluated using the rating procedures contained in the National Home Energy Rating Technical Guidelines.


See Certified HERS Rater.

Rater Candidate

See Home Energy Rater Candidate.

Rater Instructor, Certified

See RESNET Certified Instructor

Rater Training Provider, Training Provider or Rater Trainer

See Accredited Training Provider


See Home Energy Rating.

Rating Field Inspector (RFI)

A Rating Field Inspector under the direct supervision of a Certified HERS Rater may conduct the inspections and necessary basic performance tests (blower door& duct blaster) to produce a home energy rating. This category requires the ability to identify and quantify building components and systems.

Rating Index

See HERS Index.

Rating Quality Assurance Provider or QA Provider

See Accredited Rating Quality Assurance Provider.

Rating, Projected

A rating performed prior to the construction of a new building or prior to implementation of energy-efficiency improvements to an existing building.

Rating Sampling Provider

See Sampling Provider.

Rating Software

A computerized procedure that is accredited by RESNET for the purpose of conducting home energy ratings and calculating the annual energy consumption, annual energy costs and a HERS Index for a home.

Rating Tool

A computerized procedure for calculating a home’s energy efficiency rating, annual energy consumption, and annual energy costs.

Reference Home

A hypothetical home configured in accordance with the specifications set forth in Chapter 3 and Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 as the basis of comparison for the purpose of calculating the relative energy efficiency and Home Energy Rating Index of a Rated Home.


A compound that absorbs heat when it under goes a phase change, e.g. gas to a liquid. Traditionally, the chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) R-22 was used as a refrigerant for residential air conditioners and heat pumps. Since 1992 time frames have been established for replacing chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants, with non chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants often referred to as R-410A. The ideal refrigerant has a boiling point somewhat below the target temperature, a high heat of vaporization, a moderate density in liquid form, a relatively high density in gaseous form, and a high critical temperature. Since boiling point and gas density are affected by pressure, refrigerants may be made more suitable for a particular application by choice of operating pressure.

Refrigerant Charge

Quantity of refrigerant in a vapor compression refrigeration/heating system, determined by measuring the discharge and suction pressures/temperatures in the system.

Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)

A market-based instrument that represents and conveys the environmental, social, and other non-power attributes of one megawatt-hour of renewable electricity generation.

Energy Smart Contractor Registry

The database maintained by a CEQ Provider of all Energy Smart Contractors they have approved.

Residential Building

See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index


Residential Energy Services Network

RESNET Accredited Software

See Approved Software Rating Tool

RESNET Candidate Field Assessor

An individual certified by RESNET and designated by an Accredited RESNET Rating Quality Assurance Provider to conduct probationary and field assessments for candidates.

RESNET Certified Instructor

An individual certified by RESNET and designated by an Accredited Training Provider to provide instruction and assistance to candidates. Only RESNET Certified Instructors may provide HERS Rater and HERS Modeler instruction under the auspices of a RESNET Accredited Training Provider.

RESNET Executive Director (Executive Director)

A person elected by the Board of Directors of the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) to be the Chief Executive Officer of RESNET.

RESNET National Rater Instructor Competency Test

Certification test developed and administered by RESNET to ensure that accredited Training Providers’ trainers have the requisite knowledge and competence to serve as trainers for prospective Certified HERS Raters. The test is based on the national core competency exam developed and maintained by RESNET.

RESNET Rater Simulation Practical Test

Simulation based practical test adopted by RESNET used for the assessment of HERS Rater candidates.

RESNET Quality Assurance Checklist

Checklist developed by RESNET for use by a Quality Assurance Designee in evaluating a Rating Quality Assurance Provider’s compliance with the requirements of accreditation and quality assurance as stipulated by Section 904.3 of these Standards, and which enumerates the individual requirements that must be verified annually.


See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index.

Sample Set

A specific group of homes from which one or more individual homes are randomly selected for sampling controls.


An application of the Home Energy Rating process whereby fewer than 100% of a builder’s new homes are randomly inspected and tested in order to evaluate compliance with a set of threshold specifications.

Sampling Controls

A collection or set of required tests and inspections performed for a sample set of homes in order to confirm that the threshold specifications have been met.“Sampling controls” may refer to the entire set of tests and inspections, or to a particular phase that constitutes a defined subset of those tests and inspections (e.g. pre-drywall, final, HVAC, windows and orientation, etc).

Sampling Provider

An entity, accredited through these standards, that oversees the sampling process and issues the sampling certifications that homes meet a particular set of threshold specifications such as the ENERGY STAR® specifications adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


As used in this Standard, the word ‘shall’ means that the action specified is mandatory and must be accomplished by the responsible party.

Sleeping Unit

See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index.

Spectral Wavelength

The electromagnetic wavelength interval or equivalent over which observations are made when using an infrared imaging system.

Spillage, Spill

Combustion gases emerging from an appliance or venting system into the combustion appliance zone during burner operation.

Standards (HERS Standards)

The “Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating System Standards”, as maintained by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET).

Standards Management Board

A Standing Committee of the RESNET organization that is responsible overseeing the Standards Amendment process.

Story Above Grade Plane

Any Story having its finished floor surface entirely above grade plane, or in which the finished surface of the floor next above is:

  1. More than 6 feet (1 829 mm) above grade plane; or

  2. More than 12 feet (3658 mm) above the finished ground level at any point.

Thermal Boundary

The line or boundary where the air barrier and insulation are installed in a building assembly. The air barrier and insulation should be adjacent to one another in a building assembly to prevent airflow from circumventing insulation.

Thermal bridging

Heat conduction through building components, typically framing, that are more conductive than the insulated envelope.

Thermal Bypass

Air movement, air leakage or convection “cell”, that circumvents the thermal barrier, is usually hidden and is the result of an incomplete or compromised air barrier.

Thermal Image

A recorded electronic or printed image provided by an infrared imaging system of the thermal surface variations of an object or a surface.

Third-Party Energy Efficiency Program, or EEP

A national or local program that has set a standard for energy efficiency in building performance and requires a HERS analysis for verification (e.g. ENERGY STAR® Qualified Homes, Building America’s Builders Challenge, building code, International Code Council, utility companies, etc.)

Threshold Rating

A Rating accomplished using Threshold Specifications to determine the Energy Rating Index where verification of all Minimum Rated Features is accomplished through field inspections and testing conducted on every home.

Threshold Specifications

See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index.


A single-family Dwelling Unit constructed in a group of three or more attached units in which each unit extends from the foundation to roof and with open space on at least two sides

Transition Period

The period of time beginning on the Effective Date, during which an amendment shall be allowed, but not required, to be used for any Dwelling Unit or Sleeping Unit.

Transition Period End Date

The date that concludes the Transition Period. An amendment shall be required to be used for a Dwelling Unit or Sleeping Unit whose Building Permit Date is after this date.


See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index.

Unconditioned Space Volume

See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index.

Unresolved Complaint

A complaint deemed by the CEQ Provider to require corrective action by the Energy Smart Contractor.

Unvented Combustion Appliance

Any appliances not used with a duct, chimney, pipe, or other device that carry the combustion pollutants outside the home. These appliances can release large amounts of pollutants directly into a home.


Thermal transmittance value measured in Btu/h-ft2-F.

Vent Connector

The pipe that connects a combustion appliance to a vent or chimney.

Venting System

A passageway or passageways from a combustion appliance to the outdoors through which combustion gases pass.

Work Scope

A set of written recommendations, including specifications detailing repairs and improvements to be made to a home; a work scope may include pre- and post-work performance testing and acceptance criteria.

Worst-Case Analysis

See the definition in standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301 Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index.